Strategic Metals Ltd.


Additional Properties Available for Option

Strategic holds a 100% interest in over 100 properties covering a wide range of commodities and deposit types, many of which have permits in place or pending for advanced drilling. Several properties have had sufficient recent expenditures to be used as a qualifying property, most of which have been recently visited by a qualified and independent geologist so that a detailed 43-101 report can be prepared promptly if needed. Strategic is flexible with the type of deals it seeks and works with optionees to develop mutually beneficial agreements.

Precious Metal Projects

Strategic's stellar pipeline of precious metal projects includes 17 drill confirmed projects, 18 drill ready projects with high grade surface showings that have not been drilled, and many grassroots projects with geochemical and geophysical anomalies that warrant further exploration. Project highlights and locations can be found in the table and map below

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HARTLESS JOE (under option) Au, Ag Vein/Exhalite Drill Ready Eskay Creek type exhalite graded 60 g/t Au and 554 g/t Ag over 1.2 m; high grade vein talus, elsewhere on property assayed up to 195 g/t Au Yes Yes
HOPPER Au, Cu Skarn, Porphyry Drill Confirmed Road accessible targets within a huge copper geochemical anomaly; copper-gold skarn drill intercepts to 1.94% Cu and 0.87 g/t Au over 18.59 m; deeper gold-rich skarns graded 43.6 g/t Au over 1 m and 12.5 g/t Au over 2.65 m Yes Yes
Plata (Sold to Honey Badger Silver, retained NSR) Ag, Au Vein Drill Confirmed Same setting as Keno Hill. 2,041 tonnes of shipped ore yielded 290,000 ounces of silver. P3 vein assay: 2,382 g/t silver, 9.85 g/t gold over 1.96 m. Yes
Kluane Au Vein Drill Confirmed Same age and in same tectonic belt as the mines of the Juneau Gold Camp in Alaska; drill intercepts to 5.32 g/t Au over 2.75 m; trenches grading to 7.36 g/t Au over 9.5 m; rock samples to 225 g/t Au Yes
CD Au, Cu Porphyry, Vein Drill Ready Undrilled copper+gold geochemical anomaly with coincident chargeability and flanking gold-bearing epithermal veins, west of Klaza Property Yes Yes
MT. HINTON Au Vein Drill Ready Multiple undrilled high grade gold and silver veins located adjacent to Alexco's Bellekeno Mine Yes Yes
ROD Ag, Au, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mo, V Stockwork/ Veins/ VMS? Drill Confirmed Many silver rich veins confirmed by drilling. Newly discovered stockwork in altered volcanics. Rock sample of mineralized vein in volcanics assayed 3620 g/t Ag, 9.75 g/t Au and 15.75% Cu. Mineralization in footwall of Dawson Thrust fault within Rackla Trend near ATAC's Tiger Deposit Yes Yes
SIXTY MILE (under option) Au Structurally Controlled Drill Confirmed Historical drilling up to 132.9 g/t gold over 1.5 m. Yes
TRIPLE CROWN Ag, Au Vein Drill Ready Trench results include 570 g/t silver over 6.4 m. Grab to 6,680 g/t silver and 5.01 g/t gold. Yes
MARS Au, Cu, Mo Vein/Porphyry Drill Confirmed Magnetite/pyrite vein cut in isolated drill hole graded 6.435 g/t Au over 4.57 m; porphyry target in zoned Jurassic pluton lightly tested Yes Yes
SALOON Au, Cu, Ag Replacement, Vein, VMS (?) Drill Confirmed Samples from a dump below an old adit on a 0.5 m wide vein assayed up to 44.6 g/t gold, 144 g/t Ag and 10.37% Cu. A drill hole beneath a quartz-rich replacement zone assayed 0.49% Cu and 0.16 g/t Au over 24 m. Yes
RUSTY Ag, Pb, Zn Vein/Stockwork/CDR Drill Confirmed Mineralization occurs in various settings across the property - most of the showings have not been drilled or trenched. Chip samples up to 1008 g/t Ag, 23.27% Pb and 3.38% Zn over 5.4 m Yes Yes
BLUE HEAVEN (under option) Ag, Pb, Zn Vein, CRD Drill Confirmed High-grade silver-lead-zinc veins and CRD in Rancheria Silver District. Veins graded up to 10,561 g/t Ag over 94 cm in trenches. CRD exposures ranged up to 65.6 g/t Ag, 5% Pb and 3.6% Zn over 35.8 m. The best drill intercept averaged 599.88 g/t Ag, 9.08% Pb over 1.48 m
HARRY Au, Cu Vein Drill Confirmed Hand trenches averaged 9.3 g/t Au over 1.5 m; rocks to 31.3 g/t Au. Drill recovery was poor and the best interval ran 1.98 g/t Au and 0.48% Cu over 1.8 m
QB Ag, Pb, Zn Vein, CRD Drill Confirmed Multiple lead-zinc-silver showings in Rancheria Silver District; drill intercepts up to 107.5 g/t Ag, 8.43% Pb and 13.50% Zn over 1.75 m Yes
HY (under option) Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu, W Skarn, Vein Drill Confirmed Multiple road accessible zones hosting rock samples of over 20% combined lead-zinc with significant silver and some copper locally. Trench assays graded up to 370.3 g/t Ag, 8.22% Pb and 14.01% Zn over 3.2 m. Drill intercepts to 70.7 g/t Ag, 1.57% Pb, 2.18% Zn over 6.82 m Yes
MINT Au, Cu Porphyry Drill Confirmed DDH: 0.204 g/t gold across 331.74 m, including 0.556 g/t gold over 53.0 m near end of hole. Strong geochemical, chargeability and magnetic response Yes
CRAG Au, Pb, Zn Carlin, MVT Drill Confirmed Carlin-style gold mineralization is superimposed on earlier MVT stockwork and breccia mineralization in the immediate hangingwall of the Dawson Thrust Fault. The best drill interval for gold graded 1.8 g/t Au over 2 m while the highlight lead-zinc stockwork interval assayed 22.2% Zn, 1.5% Pb and 27 g/t Ag over 6.1 m Yes Yes
ZAP Ag, Pb, Zn MVT, Vein Drill Confirmed Stratabound breccias host relatively low silver zinc-lead mineralization. Rock samples from veins grade up to 4,010 g/t Ag; the best drill intercept of MVT mineralization averaged 28.5 g/t Ag, 1.7% Pb and 2.6% Zn over 10.6 m
MELOY Cu, Ag, W, Mo, Au, Zn Porphyry, Vein Drill Ready 7x3km copper-in-soil anomaly Yes Yes
RANCH Ag, Pb, Bi Vein Drill Ready Extensive system of low sulphidation silver-lead-bismuth veins. Trench assays up to 1525 g/t Ag, with 0.17% Pb and 0.31% Bi over 1.5 m. Numerous rock samples of mineralized float graded between 100 and 3130 g/t Ag. Located south of Silvertip deposit Yes
MORAINE Au, Cu, Ag, W Skarn, Vein Drill Ready Two polymetallic skarn horizons identified in mostly overburden covered geochemical anomaly; grab samples of vein graded 13.7 g/t Au Yes
MAGNUM (under option) Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu VMS, Vein Drill Ready Setting very similar to that of the Wolverine Mine on other side of major post-mineralization fault; waste from old dump graded 3.4 g/t Au, 96 g/t Ag, 5.7% Pb, 3.4% Zn and 0.3% Cu
RYE Sn, Ag, Pb, Au Vein/ Stockwork Drill Ready Quartz veins have produced high assays from chip samples - 4.1% Sn, 3.7% Pb, and 106.3 g/t Ag over 3.7 m. Newly discovered gold-in-soil anomaly and talus mineralization grading 8.37 g/t gold Yes
FLIP Pb, Zn, Ag, Cu, Au, W Skarn Drill Ready Chip sample grade 476.6 g/t Ag, 20.5 Pb, and 3.04 % Cu over 1.3 m. There is also under-explored gold and tungsten potential
CRAG EAST Au Carlin Drill Ready Abundant pathfinder minerals and decalcification occur in altered carbonate rocks in the hangingwall of the Dawson Thrust Fault, near ATAC's Osiris deposit
JEFF Ag Vein Drill Ready 1560 g/t Ag over 1m
NIKKI Au, Cu Porphyry, Skarn Drill Ready Drilling has yet to explain impressive soil anomaly; skarn chip samples to graded 11.95 g/t Au over 2 m Yes
HOOLE Au, Cu, Zn VMS Drill Ready Road accessible prospect with rock samples to 12.19 g/t Au, 2.16% Cu and 16% Zn
NAD Au Carlin Drill ready Favourable carbonate strata in the footwall of the Dawson Thrust Fault contains realgar and orpiment. Soils are anomalous for gold and its Carlin-style pathfinder metals. This target has not been drilled.
PIGSKIN Ag, Pb Vein Drill Ready High-grading target consists of lenses of semi-massive to massive galena - a series of chip samples across different lenses averaged 3343 g/t Ag across 37 cm, 2386 g/t Ag across 50 cm and 1189 g/t Ag across 76 cm
SAWBUCK Ag, Au, Cu Skarn, Stockwork Grassroots Brand new silver prospect that lies between the former Brewery Creek Mine and the Keno Hill Mining District, within the Tombstone Gold Belt Yes
ANTIMONY Au Vein, Stockwork Drill Ready High soil values and geophysical anomalies on the flanks of the Tombstone Suite Pluton near Brewery Creek Mine
GROUNDHOG (under option) Ag, Pb, Zn, Au Manto, Vein, Stockwork Grassroots Numerous silver-lead-zinc showing along strong structures are drill-ready. A 2000 m by 1400 m gold-in-soil anomaly requires trenching. Rock samples to 11,663.5 g/t Ag. A few rock samples from this zone returned up to 1.81 g/t Au, 498 g/t Ag and 14.9% Pb Yes
BYNG Au, Ag, Cu Vein, Exhalite Grassroots Four known mineralized zones with rock values up to 127 g/t gold, 164 g/t silver and 6.53% copper Yes
AIRSTRIP Au Vein Grassroots Angular boulder assayed 67.88 g/t Au
VAULT Au, Cu Veins? Grassroots Large clusters of very high gold in soil; source unknown and undrilled Yes
LANCE (Under Option to Trifecta Gold) Au Vein? Grassroots Excellent geochemical anomaly (up to 8 g/t) in soil; located near Goldstrikes' Plateau discovery
STRING Au, CaCO3 Vein, VMS, Limestone Grassroots Strong, unexplained gold-arsenic soil geochemical anomaly
TIMBER Cu, Au, Mo Porphyry, Skarn Grassroots Promising soil and drill results require IP survey before more drilling Yes
KING Au, Cu Porphyry/ Vein Grassroots Gold-in-soil anomalies (up to 1430 ppb) occur with copper near a dyke swarm in Stikina Terrane. Very strong arsenic in large shears; dykes underlie a magnetic high while shears marked by magnetic lows
TRACK Au, W Skarn Grassroots Drilling has produced numerous intersects for tungsten and gold potential indicated but untested
UNO Ag, Pb, Au Vein, Stockwork Grassroots Large soil anomalies are associated with a high level pluton and a system of veins. Rock samples to 853.7 g/t Ag and 3.04 g/t Au
LISA Au Vein, Skarn Grassroots Gold showings and soil geochemical anomalies occur with strong pathfinders within and around a Tombstone Suite pluton
LIAM (Under Option to Trifecta Gold) Au, Ag Vein, Skarn Grassroots Large, strong multielement soil geochemical anomalies surround gold-bearing arsenopyrite veins. Rock samples to 3.2 g/t Au and 174 g/t Ag
LOIS (Under Option to Trifecta Gold) Au Vein Grassroots Gold and pathfinder elements are associated with a Tombstone Suite pluton
HUSKY (Under Option to Trifecta Gold) Ag, Au Vein (?) Grassroots Linear multi-element soil geochemical anomalies and showings with rock samples grading up to 127 g/t Ag and 3.3 g/t Au in Tombstone Gold Belt
LEAH (Under Option to Trifecta Gold) Au Breccia Grassroots A 50 by 50 m limonitic kill zone returned a rock sample that ran 1.38 g/t Au
JAKE Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu Stockwork, Vein Grassroots Eight showings within 1000 m diameter soil geochemical anomaly; best rock sample graded 1425 g/t Ag, 1.05% Cu, 10.65% Pb and 1.54% Zn
STAFF Au Stockwork? Grassroots Gold in soil anomaly in footwall of Dawson Thrust Fault within Rackla Trend
LEROY (Under Option to Trifecta Gold) Au Veins (?) Grassroots The property covers highly elevated values for elements that are pathfinders for gold
BLIND Au CRD Grassroots Large magnetic low – Hyland Gold look-alike
CON Ag, Pb Vein, Skarn (?) Grassroots Strong soil anomalies that have not been fully delineated in Rancheria District
HI Au Vein Grassroots Gold bearing quartz veins in Finlayson District
CLINT (under option) Au, Cu, Pb, Zn Vein, VMS Grassroots Hardrock gold and VMS targets in an area of placer activity
COACH Au, Cu Porphyry (?) Grassroots Copper-arsenic soil anomaly
GAM Au Vein Grassroots Broad gold and arsenic soil geochemical anomalies
EVOY Ag, Pb, Zn, CRD Grassroots Coincident silver, lead and zinc values have received little follow up
GAS Cu, Ag, Zn CRD Grassroots Soil geochemical anomalies near Hyland Gold and McMillan deposits
KAR Au Carlin (?) Grassroots Uncommonly high thallium values from highly altered gossanous zone in Paleozoic carbonate stratigraphy
LOOP Au, Cu Porphyry Grassroots Road accessible

Copper Projects

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HOPPER Au, Cu Skarn, Porphyry Drill Confirmed Road accessible targets within a huge copper geochemical anomaly; copper-gold skarn drill intercepts to 1.94% Cu and 0.87 g/t Au over 18.59 m; deeper gold-rich skarns graded 43.6 g/t Au over 1 m and 12.5 g/t Au over 2.65 m Yes Yes
CD Au, Cu Porphyry, Vein Drill Ready Undrilled copper+gold geochemical anomaly with coincident chargeability and flanking gold-bearing epithermal or orogenic veins, west of Klaza Property Yes Yes
MELOY Cu, Ag, W, Mo, Au, Zn Porphyry, Vein Drill Ready Exceptionally large and strong geochemical anomalies Yes
SALOON Au, Cu, Ag Replacement, Vein, VMS (?) Drill Confirmed Samples from a dump below an old adit assayed up to 44.6 g/t gold, 144 g/t Ag and 10.37% Cu. A drill hole beneath a quartz-rich replacement zone cut four mineralized intervals including 0.40% Cu and 128.46 g/t Ag over 30.23 m Yes Yes
BOLT Cu, Au VMS Drill Confirmed Cyprus-type VMS target marked by intense copper geochemical anomaly and vegetation kill zone Yes
ARM Zn, Pb, Cu, Au, Ag VMS Drill Ready Large transported, metal-rich gossan downhill from stratigraphy that hosts the Wolverine deposit
MARS Au, Cu, Mo Vein/Porphyry Drill Confirmed Magnetite/pyrite vein cut in drill hole graded 6.435 g/t Au over 4.57 m; porphyry target in zoned Jurassic pluton lightly tested Yes Yes
MINT Au, Cu, Mo Porphyry Drill Ready Limited drilling returned 0.2 g/t Au over 331 m including 0.6 g/t Au over 53 m at the bottom of the hole Yes
MORAINE Au, Cu, Ag, W Skarn, Vein Drill Ready Two polymetallic skarn horizons identified in mostly overburden covered geochemical anomaly; grab samples of vein graded 13.7 g/t Au; extensive soil anomalies Yes
DABB Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag Skarn Grassroots Strong soil anomalies and rock to 6.51% zinc, 7.29% lead, 83.1 g/t silver and 1.57% copper Yes
HY Sold to Honey Badger Silver, retained NSR Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu, W Skarn, Vein Drill Confirmed Multiple road accessible zones hosting rock samples of over 20% combined lead-zinc with significant silver and some copper locally. Trench assays graded up to 370.3 g/t Ag, 8.22% Pb and 14.01% Zn over 3.2 m. Drill intercepts to 70.7 g/t Ag, 1.57% Pb, 2.18% Zn over 6.82 m Yes
TIDD Cu, Pb, Zn Vein, Sedex Drill Ready Partially tested vein system has copper potential. Nearby VTEM conductors coincide with Pb-Zn mineralization - some Faro-like stratigraphy
HARRY Au, Cu Vein Drill Confirmed Hand trenches averaged 9.3 g/t Au over 1.5 m; rocks to 31.3 g/t Au. Drill recovery was poor and the best interval ran 1.98 g/t Au and 0.48% Cu over 1.8 m Yes Yes
TIMBER Cu, Au, Mo Porphyry, Skarn Grassroots Promising soil and drill results require IP survey before more drilling No Yes
FOUR CORNERS (4C) Cu, Co, Ni, Ag, Pb, Zn VMS, Magmatic Drill Ready Showing, soil geochemical anomalies and VTEM conductor
KING Au, Cu Porphyry/Vein Grassroots Gold-in-soil anomalies (up to 1430 ppb) occur with copper near a dyke swarm in Stikina Terrane. Very strong arsenic in large shears; dykes underlie a magnetic high while shears marked by magnetic lows
BYNG Au, Ag, Cu Vein, Exhalite Grassroots Four known mineralized zones with rock values up to 127 g/t gold, 164 g/t silver and 6.53% copper Yes
NIKKI Au, Cu Porphyry, Skarn Drill Ready Drilling has yet to explain impressive soil anomaly; skarn chip samples to graded 11.95 g/t Au over 2 m Yes
BATTERY Co, Cu, Au Stockwork, Vein Grassroots Surface samples to 19% Cu, 1.4% Co, 4.54 g/t Au Yes
BUR PGE, Ni, Cu Magmatic Grassroots Small claim block near the Wellgreen Mine
CLINT (under option) Au, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mo Vein, VMS,Porphyry Grassroots Soil geochemical anomalies in headwaters of active placer creek
COACH Au, Cu Porphyry (?) Grassroots Gold-copper-arsenic soil anomaly
FLIP Pb, Zn, Ag, Cu, Au, W Skarn Drill Ready Chip sample grade 476.6 g/t Ag, 20.5 Pb, and 3.04 % Cu over 1.3 m. There is also under-explored gold and tungsten potential
GAS Cu, Ag, Zn CRD Grassroots Soil geochemical anomalies near Hyland Gold and McMillan deposits
HDL Cu VMS? Grassroots Highly anomalous stream sediments
HOOLE Au, Cu, Zn Orogenic Vein, VMS Drill Ready Road accessible prospect with rock samples to 12.19 g/t Au, 2.16% Cu and 16% Zn
JAKE Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu Stockwork, Vein Grassroots Eight showings within 1000 m diameter soil geochemical anomaly; best rock sample graded 1425 g/t Ag, 1.05% Cu, 10.65% Pb and 1.54% Zn
LEA Pb, Zn, Cu VMS Drill Ready Poorly exposed Kuroko-type alteration and mineralization modelled on nearby Kudz Ze Kayah deposit
MAGNUM (under option) Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu VMS, Orogenic Vein Drill Ready Setting very similar to that of the Wolverine Mine on other side of major post-mineralization fault; waste from old dump graded 3.4 g/t Au, 96 g/t Ag, 5.7% Pb, 3.4% Zn and 0.3% Cu; numerous soil anomalies
OFF Pb, Zn, Cu VMS Drill Ready Soil anomaly on gentle slope located between Wolverine and Kudz Ze Kayah deposits
SIMPSON(D2) Pb, Zn, Cu VMS Drill Confirmed Kuroko-style mineralization features barite and magnetite cap and deformed feeder zone
WIND Pb, Zn, Cu VMS Drill Ready Soil geochemistry defines target near Wolverine and Kudz Ze Kayah deposits

Zinc Projects

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CRAG Au, Pb, Zn Carlin, MVT Drill Confirmed Carlin-style gold mineralization is superimposed on earlier MVT stockwork and breccia mineralization in the immediate hangingwall of the Dawson Thrust Fault. The best drill interval for lead-zinc assayed 22.2% Zn, 1.5% Pb and 27 g/t Ag over 6.1 m Yes Yes
ROD Ag, Au, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mo, V Stockwork/ Veins/ VMS? Drill Confirmed Many silver rich veins confirmed by drilling. Drill results include 8.31 m of 101.91 g/t silver, 4.76% lead and 4.44% zinc. Mineralization in footwall of Dawson Thrust fault within Rackla Trend near ATAC's Tiger Deposit Yes Yes
SIMPSON(D2) Pb, Zn, Cu VMS Drill Confirmed Kuroko-style mineralization features barite and magnetite cap and deformed feeder zone
ARM Zn, Pb, Cu, Au, Ag VMS Drill Ready Large transported, metal-rich gossan downhill from stratigraphy that hosts the Wolverine deposit
PIGSKIN Ag, Pb Vein Drill Ready High-grading target consists of lenses of semi-massive to massive galena - a series of chip samples across different lenses averaged 3343 g/t Ag across 37 cm, 2386 g/t Ag across 50 cm and 1189 g/t Ag across 76 cm;
QB Ag, Pb, Zn Manto, Vein Drill Ready Closely resembles Silver Tip; high grade float (>20% Pb+Zn) float scattered over a large area of glacial till; adjoins Pigskin Yes
MEISTER Zn, Ag, Pb CRD Drill Confirmed Located near Silvertip Mine - best drill intercept averaged 3.7% Zn, 40.64 g/t silver and 0.6% Pb over 30 m
RUSTY Ag, Pb, Zn Vein/Stockwork/CDR Drill Confirmed Mineralization occurs in various settings across the property - most of the showings have not been drilled or trenched. Chip samples up to 1008 g/t Ag, 23.27% Pb and 3.38% Zn over 5.4 m Yes Yes
WIND Pb, Zn, Cu VMS Drill Ready Soil geochemistry defines target near Wolverine and Kudz Ze Kayah deposits
DABB Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag Skarn Grassroots Strong soil anomalies and rock to 6.51% zinc, 7.29% lead, 83.1 g/t silver and 1.57% copper Yes
BLUE HEAVEN (under option) Ag, Pb, Zn, W Vein, CRD, Skarn Drill Confirmed High-grade silver-lead-zinc veins and CRD in Rancheria Silver District. Veins graded up to 10,561 g/t Ag over 94 cm in trenches. CRD exposures ranged up to 65.6 g/t Ag, 5% Pb and 3.6% Zn over 35.8 m. The best drill intercept averaged 599.88 g/t Ag, 9.08% Pb over 1.48 m
FLIP Pb, Zn, Ag, Cu, Au, W Skarn Drill Ready Chip sample grade 476.6 g/t Ag, 20.5 Pb, and 3.04 % Cu over 1.3 m. There is also under-explored gold and tungsten potential
TIDD Cu, Pb, Zn Vein, Sedex Drill Ready Partially tested vein system has copper potential - nearby VTEM conductors coincide with Pb-Zn mineralization - some Faro-like stratigraphy
OFF Pb, Zn, Cu VMS Drill Ready Soil anomaly on gentle slope located between Wolverine and Kudz Ze Kayah deposits
SAYYEA(Under Option) W, Zn, Au Skarn, CRD Drill Ready Rock sample of 1.22% WO3 within very large, zoned soil anomaly with high W, Au, Zn and Sn values Yes
LEA Pb, Zn, Cu VMS Drill Ready Poorly exposed Kuroko-type alteration and mineralization modelled on nearby Kudz Ze Kayah deposit
JAKE Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu Stockwork, Vein Grassroots Eight showings within 1000 m diameter soil geochemical anomaly; best rock sample graded 1425 g/t Ag, 1.05% Cu, 10.65% Pb and 1.54% Zn
ZAP Ag, Pb, Zn MVT, Vein Drill Confirmed Stratabound breccias host relatively low silver zinc-lead mineralization. Rock samples from veins grade up to 4,010 g/t Ag; the best drill intercept of MVT mineralization averaged 28.5 g/t Ag, 1.7% Pb and 2.6% Zn over 10.6 m
BOB Pb, Zn, Ag CRD Drill Ready High lead-zinc soil values coincide with very strong VTEM conductor
HARVEST Ni, Mo, Zn, Ag, V, Ba Stratigraphic Nickel Drill Ready Exceptional geochemical anomalies in Mac Pass district Rock samples grade up to 10% Zn, 4030 ppm Ni, 269 ppm Mo
RYE Sn, Ag, Pb, Au Vein/ Stockwork Drill Ready Quartz veins have produced high assays from chip samples - 4.1% Sn, 3.7% Pb, and 106.3 g/t Ag over 3.7 m. Newly discovered gold-in-soil anomaly and talus mineralization grading 8.37 g/t gold Yes
TOP Pb, Zn VMS Drill Ready Soil sampling and VTEM survey have identified good target alongside major road
CON Ag, Pb, Zn Vein, Skarn (?) Grassroots Strong soil anomalies that have not been fully delineated in Rancheria District
CORK Pb, Zn, Ag CRD Grassroots Very strong, undrilled soil anomalies
EVOY Ag, Pb, Zn, CRD Grassroots Coincident silver, lead and zinc values have received little follow up
MC Zn, Pb, Ag Vein Grassroots Soil anomalies need follow up
UNO Ag, Pb, Au Vein, Stockwork Grassroots Large soil anomalies are associated with a high level pluton and a system of veins. Rock samples to 853.7 g/t Ag and 3.04 g/t Au

Specialty Metal Projects

BATT Co, Cu, Au Porphyry, VMS Grassroots Surface samples to 19% Cu, 1.4% Co, 4.54 g/t Au Yes
BIX Sn Intrusion related breccia Drill Confirmed Drill intercepts up to 0.28% tin over 7.62 m, rock samples to 14.9% tin. Yes
BOOT W Skarn Drill Confirmed Partially defined with drill intercepts up to 1.95% WO3 over 5.18 m Yes
FOUR CORNERS (4C) Cu, Co, Ni, Ag, Pb, Zn VMS, Magmatic Drill Ready Showing, soil geochemical anomalies and VTEM conductor
HARVEST V, Ni, Ag, Pb, Zn SEDEX Grassroots Soil geochemical anomalies
HIDDEN W Porphyry, Skarn Drill Confirmed Very large and strong soil anomalies associated with skarns around fractures and faults; good drill intercept Yes
LNPG Li Pegmatite dyke swarms Drill Confirmed Owned by Lake Winn Resources. 2% NSR held by Strategic
MELOY Cu, Ag, W, Mo, Au, Zn Porphyry Drill Ready Exceptionally large and strong geochemical anomalies Yes
OBVIOUS W Skarn Grassroots Very high grade tungsten float (up to 24.8%WO3) not yet traced to source Yes
OLI Sn, Au, Co, Ag Skarn Grassroots Historical drill intercepts include 1% tin/6m and 15% tin/0.8m Yes
ROD V, Ni Sediment Hosted Drill Confirmed
RYE Sn, Ag, Pb, Au Vein, Stockwork Drill Ready Quartz veins have produced high assays from chip samples - 4.1% Sn, 3.7% Pb, and 106.3 g/t Ag over 3.7 m. Newly discovered gold-in-soil anomaly and talus mineralization grading 8.37 g/t gold Yes
SAYYEA W, Au, Sn, Zn, Cu Skarn Drill Ready Main skarn horizon traced for a 7 km strike. Yes
VAN V Sediment Hosted Drill Confirmed More than 50 m thick and 600 m long horizon averaging 0.4 to 0.6% V2O5 Yes